Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Best Place for an Interesting Twist on the Usual

Whether you're at Subway or Portillo's, soup you order will almost always be served in some kind of Styrofoam cup, flimsy container, plastic bowl, or some other kind of dish. While the device that keeps your meal from ending up in a puddle on the table may not be any indication of the taste, it's an area of opportunity that most restaurants leave untouched.
One place that I know of that addresses this untapped potential, which many of you might have heard of, is Panera Bread. While they offer soup in plain bowls, there is the option to have your soup poured into a hollowed-out loaf of sourdough bread. Leaving the removed section on the side, the staff at Panera will put a soup of your choice, menu options including brocoli cheddar and all-natural chicken noodle, in the cavity when you order. This process leaves the inside gooey and soaked with the flavor while the outside remains a sturdy shell that crackles when you take a bite.

Of course, the bread bowl is more expensive than an ordinary, non-food container, but from my experience, it's worth the extra bit. Besides, the prices are reasonable to begin with, especially for the quality, which is complimented by the restaurant's atmosphere as referenced in this video:


So if you're looking for a little something extra to add to your soup experience, Panera is certainly worth a try.

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